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Welcome to the Fan oriented section of the site! On this page you will find the index to the various Fan-involved sections we have had over the years, or special spotlights on Nelson that don't fit else where. These links will lead you to other pages on this site. For most of them, you can still be involved by emailing me (till I get forms set up) with what you wish to add. Graphics and artwork are also sought right now for the Nelson Eddy Challenge. Right now we have very little but we hope to have more in the future.

My Wonder One Spotlight

This is a spotlight on a Song Nelson wrote himself.

Six Degrees of Nelson Eddy

Ever play "The Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon"? Well, this is simular, only it uses Nelson! Try and figure out the challenges already placed as well as add challenges yourself.

Signs You are obsessed with Nelson Eddy

Here is a list of the various signs that you may just be a tad obessed with the Baritone. Still open for additions

Nelson Graphics

Nelson Eddy Graphics such as page protectors, Livejournal icons, and Calanders

Nelson Eddy Challenge

An Art and Writing challenge for Fans. We are still searching for submissions.

Nelson Eddy Election 2004

The various charactesr of Nelson Eddy are running for President. Who do you vote for? 2004 Election Closed. However, this page will be updated someday with an acceptance speech.

Nelson Eddy Election 2008

The Mission presidency has been in power for it's first term. Now it's time to either relect Charles Mission or replace him with one of the other canidates. Now open for commentation and debate