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Special Thanks

Here are various fans of Nelson Eddy who have sent me messages on why they are fans of his.  If you would like to have a message here, please email me using the email address found on the contact page.

From Bill.....

My first recollection of Jeanette Macdonald was when I was a child in the nineteen fifties.  On Friday nights my parents would let me stay up late and watch the "Million Dollar Movie" on channel twelve.  One Friday night the feature was Jeanette Macdonald and Nelson Eddy in "Rose Marie".  That was it!  At the ripe age of eight years I was totally in love with this singing goddess.  A few Friday's later I saw her again in "San Francisco" with Clark Gable.  Again I was heart struck.  The combination of her angelic voice and as Clark Gable described her eyes, "Those big lamps" convinced me that she was the standard by which all women in my life would have to meet.  Of course no one has ever come close because there will be only one Jeanette Macdonald.  She has effected me in ways that to this day I cannot fully describe or understand.

In nineteen sixty-six, just one year since her passing, I had the opportunity to attend an outdoor concert in Vancouver, B.C. that featured Nelson Eddy and Gail Sheriden.  Between songs Nelson talked about Jeanette and reminisced about making the movie "Rose Marie" up here in Canada.  This effected me and rekindled my affection for her as I felt that maybe, just maybe I had walked on the ground that she had graced.  I also remembered that as he spoke I glanced up at the mountains that were the same mountains in the movie "Rose Marie''.  I'm sure that I heard the echo of her singing the "Indian Love Call".  Maybe it was for me.  Maybe it was just wishful dreaming.

My thanks for giving me the opportunity to express my feelings that I have always had but never before shared.

From Joani....

At the beginning of this year, disappointed in new movies, I rented Rose Marie & Naughty Marietta from a video store.  I couldn't believe how much I enjoyed these musicals and desired to see more.  I immediately bought all 8 of the movies they made together and more!

Jeanette MacDonald and Nelson Eddy were mesmerizing on screen.  There was nothing more romantic than their duets.  The way they looked at each other and the way they sang to each other was magical.  Sparks flew!  While Nelson Eddy had a magnificent voice, Jeanette MacDonald as his partner brought out the best in his ability to act.  While Jeanette was a natural actress, Nelson inspired her to sing clearly.  Not only able to sing, they were also elegant dancers.

My regret is that we don't have movie musicals of this kind today.  My happiness is that we can watch these movies of the past over and over--enjoying every minute of the talents of Jeanette MacDonald and Nelson Eddy.