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Arabella & CO

This Internet magazine is a showcase for many artists and just celebrated its third birthday. Every issue there is a spotlight on Nelson called the Baritone's Corner. He was also the first main spotlight of the site. They also have articles on Tyrone Power, Lillian Gish, Gene Autry, Frank Morgan and more. It now includes a special feature on the actors of today who will be Legends of Tomorrow.


Another multi-star site. This is also another home to the Nelson and Jeanette Chat transcripts. This is a wonderful page that includes spotlights on Jeanette Macdonald, Alice Faye and Judy Garland plus more

The Jeanette and Nelson Homepage

One of the premiere sites on the web for Nelson and Jeanette. This is the web version of Eleanor Dugan's book on the films of Nelson and Jeanette. It is a very good place to go for information about their public lives.

MacEddy Homepage

This page is a site started by Sharon Rich, who wrote the book about the private affair between Nelson and his co-star Jeanette Macdonald. This is a controversial topic amongst fans, although there is a following of this theory.

Nelson Eddy on TV

This is self-explanatory

Stephanie's Nelson Page

A fan page about Nelson.

Nelson Eddy: Patter Songs from Gilbert and Sullivan

This is a page on the music Nelson recorded from Gilbert and Sullivan.

Jeanette Macdonald and Nelson Eddy Sound Favorites

This is a site that showcases various MIDI files of the music of Nelson and Jeanette.

MGM Official Site

This is the studio that Nelson did a good deal of his movies for. Although it no longer is a "studio" It does still distribute movies and TV shows.

TCM Official Site

This is the site of the company that owns many of the old MGM movies. They play classic movies on their tv-station. Go and request Nelson on TCM!


I love this site. It is very informative on any movie you can think of. Not only does it give cast and crew credits for each movie but you can look up your favorite actor/actress and get a list of their movies and tv appearances. It also gives Box Office Updates and allows you to place reviews and comments on the message boards and review pages.

This page is one I use to find some pictures for my website. You can look up any person/thing/it and find at least something related to it. I recommend it when you need to find some pictures. It has helped me with school projects as well.

Jael's Jeanette Macdonald Scrapbook

This is a page dedicated to Jeanette's movies. It has many of Nelson on it however since he was in many of his movies.

The Official NEAS Website

This is the official website for the Nelson Eddy Appreciation Society. It was started by the new president Diane. You can find out more information about this group on my groups’ page as well as this website, which allows people to join via the Internet and paypal.

AMC Television

The official site of American Move Classics Television.

Nelson Eddy Box Office Numbers

This page shows various stats on the movies that Nelson made

Nelson Eddy and Jeanette Macdonald Favorite MIDI

This page shows various MIDI files of their songs.

Franklyn Cards-Nelson Eddy

This is a catalog of various Cigarette Card pictures of Nelson

Jeanette & Nelson: A Love story.This is a page on the play that is based on Sharon Rich’s book "Sweethearts". It stars Hallie Neil as Jeanette and Theodore Lambrinos as Nelson.

DVD Box Set Release Petition

This is a online petition to Warner Home Video Distributers to release the movies of Nelson Eddy & Jeanette MacDonald in a box set.  It was created by Ashley Phipps if you want more information.

Nelson @

This is a link I got in my email via google alerts the other day and I was surprised by the balanced biography.  While it does claim that the two dated for a brief time, it doesn’t go to saying it was an ongoing romance so both those who believe and those who don’t should be happy with the compromise in the bio.  It also has links to music albums and the like if one wishes to purchase

Nelson at Yahoo Movies 

This is Yahoo’s page dedicated to Nelson Eddy and his filmography.  It’s very general but for quick checks it is a resource.