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Welcome to the Photo Gallery. To make it easier to view, especially with those with slower internet connections, I have divided the photo galleries into categories. There should be 5-6 photos per page to cut down on how much time you will need to wait to see them if you have dial-up or another slow internet connection.

This is also to help if you want to see a specific photo, you can choose the gallery associated with that photo. For example, if you wanted a photo of Susanna Foster, you would choose The Leading Ladies Gallery.

The Galleries are seperate. You will have to come back to the index to see another gallery. However, parts are linked together so if you were on Kiss Pt 1, you can follow a link on that page to the second part and vice versa. You would have to come back here to go to the Poster gallery.

Gallery 1

Gallery 2

Leading Ladies Gallery
(Now with Bios)

The Kiss Gallery 1

The Kiss Gallery 2
(coming soon)

The Poster Gallery 1

The Poster Gallery 2