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Here are a list of sites that are connect to Balalaika either because of my involvement in the page creation (Sister sites) or because the creater has decided to become affiliated with us (affiliates). Some sites do involve frames so be careful. If you have problems with frames I recomand you choose the non-frame page. Some of the sites are currently down or unupdated. However I plan on re-working them as soon as possible.
America's Shining Soprano: A Tribute to Jeanette MacDonald
This is connected to the Balalaika....you could say it is a private dining hall:) It is about Nelson's most popular female lead, Jeanette MacDonald. It is meant to be similar to this site because of the related theme but there is alot of information on there that is not here at the Balalaika in regards to her. Contains pictures, links to articles, messages from fellow fans and more.
Tyrone Power: American Idol
Frames No Frames
This is the third and newest spotlight on my Marietta web site. It spotlights actor Tyrone Power, who was a matinee Idol during the 30s to the 50s. He is known for his films Marie Antoinette, Jesse James, The Eddie Duchin Story, and Alexander's Ragtime Band.
The Mystical Strawberry Fields
This is my first major site. It is dedicated to my favorite musical group, The Beatles. It is full of pictures, bios, links, fanfiction, fun stuff, filmographies, lyrics and more. It hasn't been updated in a long time but most of the information is about the past anyway and Hopefully I shall get to reorganizing it shortly.
Avalon at Arcadia
This is my personal writings site. It contains fanfiction and original works. It is always a piece of work as I am never truly satisfied with it. On there I am known by my penname Sokorra Lewis. I switched it over to Tripod Site Builder since I was tired of how it wasn't working. One of these days I shall redo the HTML version. ANd perhaps use Efiction if I can ever get it up and working.
The Jedi Library
This is currently un-updated because I lost the password as well as people have stopped contact with me. I can not achieve the fanfiction without the help of the writers. Of course with the problems with FF.net it is becoming a problem. This is for Star Wars prequel Fanfiction.
This page is no longer updated for the simple reason that 1) I can't seem to log into it and 2) none of the authors previously archived there can be contacted by me. I apologies for the inconvenience. It is still available to be viewed as is.
The Sweethearts Chat Site
The Chat Transcript Archive and Discussion Center
These are connected. The Chat site contains the transcripts but you can not comment on them. However now on the blog we can talk about the transcripts after a certain date. However the site is still being used. *Please note that the Blog is no longer used. It was hard to update so I switched general archival to Marietta Message Board. However you may still find some transcripts there*
Hollywood Legend
This web site I created using ONLY HTML. It is for my senior project. It is hosted by our affiliate ReelJewels. Here you will find information about the Studio System, The Production Codes and various other elements of Classic Hollywood. Also compares it to Modern Practices. I plan on moving it to Tripod eventually and shall continue it at some point.
This site is no longer available. Perhaps it will be again in the feature but for now it is discontinued. Thank you for visiting it in the past.
When I asked Ginny, the webmistress of ReelJewels, how she would describe her site she responded with: "Tribute to classic musical stars of the 30's, 40's, and 50's". I will also add that it has spotlights on several people including Judy Garland, Nelson Eddy, Jeanette MacDonald, Dom Ameche, and Alice Faye. Very good site. She helped me alot with the creation of this web site as well as others. |