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There are many communities and organizations both online and off that celebrate Nelson Eddy. Often the celebrate his often co-star Jeanette MacDonald. I have listed as many as I could here. I am sure there are more. If you have any knowledge of groups I have not listed who would not mind being listed on this page, please let me know.

I have divided them into Online and Offline groups for easier browsing. Most of the online groups I belong to and the offline groups I know someone who is apart of the group at least if not involved myself.

Due to Smartgroups closing down, My Wonder One is no longer online. I believe the group has moved to another server but at this moment I am unaware of it's location. As soon as I figure out where it is at, I shall link to it.

Online Groups
Nelson and Jeanette (Yahoo)
MacDonald and Eddy (Yahoo)
J. Macdonald & N. Eddy (Yahoo)
The Nelson List (Topica)
On Goggle Groups there are several groups that discuss Nelson Eddy but are not about him specifically.   For example, there are several opera and musical groups that discuss him as he was a large figure in both.  I sugust doing a search to find a group for you.
Offline Groups
NEAS-Nelson Eddy Appreciation Society
            C/O Diane Flaherty
            3265 Palm-Aire Drive
             Rochester Hills, MI 48309-1016
            (The NEAS Website)
The Jeanette MacDonald and Nelson Eddy Appreciation Society
              Contact: Irene Daligga
I have been notified that Irene Daligga no longer resides at the address I had for her. I am not sure where she can be contacted now or wither or not this organization still exists. If you have information about this, please email it to me so I can update this page with updated information.