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Special Thanks

By Diane Flaherty
President of the NEAS

I can hardly believe that another year has gone by and our meeting of the NEAS at The Riverside Inn is finished already. It was another memorable time!

This year the trip started early as May Crates flew in from Australia to stay with me. We had a lovely visit before the drive to CS. On June 24, a day early, May and I left to pick up Dorothy Coats from Sylvania, OH. The three of us trekked on to Cambridge Springs, PA without incident. It was a lovely, clear day and the drive went smoothly.

We arrived a day early so that I might have time to unpack and settle in before the members arrived on Sunday for the start of the event.

Sunday evening saw the rest of the group arrive. We had 61 in attendance. The evening began with a yummy dinner and the opening meeting and introductions took place in the Ball Room of the Inn. We watched America’s Singing Sweethearts and headed for bed to rest up for the coming week of activities.

Monday, June 26 started off with a video of John Miles, one of our baritone alumni from the Philadelphia Academy of Vocal Arts. Always enjoy hearing our “boys”. Paul Sofian (PA) presented a slide show from old musicals. He found our membership to be very informed on the topic. We then watch Rosalie. This year’s theme was Nelson Eddy Changes Partners, so the films without Jeanette MacDonald were featured. The evening brought a special surprise. Staying at The Riverside Inn was the International Youth Music Festival presented by Dr. Elizabeth Etter, Director and Dr. Kuei Pin Yeo, International Director. This group of child prodigies from Indonesia performed classical music that had us amazed and impressed. The youngest performer was only 5 years old and could play piano and violin.

Tuesday saw us holding the Raffle for The Scholarship Fund. Gloria Pollock (NJ), Chairperson of the fund, reports that we took in enough to cover the next semester for our talented student at PAVA. Jean Bordelon (LA), told us all about her experiences with last year’s Hurricane Season. She also had pictures of her home which was ruined. Water lines nearly head-high on the walls, mud, furniture and all belongs scattered about the molded home. It was complete and utter devastation!

We watched Let Freedom Ring which “rang” so patriotic since it was nearly the 4th of July. Jean Bordelon suggested that all schools should show this film to the students in America. We all agreed!

In the afternoon, Mary Fox (CT) held the Wreck Room session where we get to view tapes that members bring in or films that are requested but not on the program. Later, Pat and Darv Reaume held the Annual Nelson Eddy “Celebrity” Gold Tournament. It was celebrity since we were honored with the presence of Judy Keel, Howard Keel’s widow. Judy had great fun chasing the stray golf balls all over the grounds. Prizes were awarded and a good time was had by all!

That evening, was the Talent Show. This is always fun and the most anticipated evening of all. As usual, talent just poured out of our performers. Lynnette Peffley (OH) only had a few days with us, but was able to coordinate the Talent Show and the Sing-a-long that followed. We sang into the wee hours!

On Wednesday, we spoke of various forms of The Chocolate Soldier (Arms and the Man, The Guardsman, The Chocolate Soldier). We view Nelson and Rise’s version and enjoyed it very much. It is a favorite with many of us, especially The Song of the Flea!

For lunch, we attended the Dinner Theater in the Victorian Room. The play was entitled A Bench in the Sun which was a comedy about living in a retirement community. It starred Gerry Munn, Larry Lewis and Tracey Harris-Hall. We all enjoyed the humor which is “so close to home” these days!

Wednesday night Judy Keel, our special guest, gave a talk about life with the late Howard Keel, Baritone. She gave us his entire life history and very personal and loving moments in their long marriage together. Judy was such a wonderful and approachable celebrity and she new everyone by name within days of arriving at The Riverside Inn. We all love her now!! We had a private screening of a TV special honoring Howard. It was star-filled and exciting to see. Judy had a chance to meet with members and autograph Howard’s book and CD she had brought to promote.

Thursday, June 29 was Nelson’s 105th birthday!! It began with more video concretizing by John Miles from a previous meeting. We also saw episodes of the TV Show, What’s My Line with guests Dick Powell, Jeanette MacDonald, and Nelson Eddy. Loved the way they tried to disguise their voices.

In the afternoon, we viewed Northwest Outpost. A rarely seen movie, but still, the voices of Nelson and Ilona Massey were worth the showing. At dinner, we sang our wishes to Nelson.
Gayle Meyers and her daughter, Margie (AL) sent balloon arrangements for each and every table which made the event even more festive. Lucy Pickering wore her famous Nelson and Jeanette skirt.

Tom Netherton took ill in Milwaukee and had to cancel his performance for Nelson’s Birthday celebration. He did promise to perform in 2007 for the Great Nelson Eddy Extravaganza Finale at Cambridge Springs next summer, June 24- 30, 2007. Don’t miss your chance to attend a meeting at Cambridge Springs and The Riverside Inn as next year will be the LAST traditional meeting. More details will follow in the Fall Journal. Instead of hearing Tom, we watched excerpts from Naughty Marietta and Rose Marie. As this was Judy Keel’s first viewing of Rose Marie, we talked John Marsh into letting up watch the entire movie!!

Friday morning, June 30, was our graduation ceremony. We all received a diploma and group photo.

We then had a wonderfully emotional viewing of Show Boat starring Howard Keel and Kathryn Grayson. When the lights were turned up, there was not a dry eye in the Ball Room as we were so moved by, not only the dramatic and emotional script, but also by the presence of Judy Keel, widow of Howard Keel viewing it right along with us. I ran over and gave Judy a hug, as did most of the members. It was a special experience I will not soon forget.

We view Balalaika in the evening session and enjoyed the music and Nelson looked particularly handsome as a Cossack Prince.

We said our farewells Saturday morning and everyone went in their own direction toward home. Dorothy Coats, May Crates and I had a safe journey home. May was able to stay a few extra days with me, which my husband, Mike and I thoroughly enjoyed. While with us, May celebrated her 80th birthday.

Remember to mark your calendar for next summer, June 24-30, 2007 for the LAST traditional meeting at Cambridge Springs, PA and The Riverside Inn.

Love to all,
Diane P. Flaherty, President

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